War thunder crossplay
War thunder crossplay


Why not even on the top end an option to restrict matchmaking to a specific platform? Dark Souls 2 for example has an option to restrict matchmaking to your continent, or global, and it's just a toggle in the options. I'm not denying inherently as I wrote above kb/m can allow an advantage over a gamepad, but that's up to the developers to compensate for in their games, most likely with a very efficient and user editable controller scheme.


It's co-op competitive, if you know MMO's well one mistake on an input cycle or a slow reaction can lead to a wipe.īut again who are we to tell people how they can and can't play something that is competitive? The PC allows freedom of kb/m, gamepads, weird kb/m gamepad combos, and then an absolute slew of these components with different laser speeds/buttons/macro keys/etc.


To add to the counter-argument as well I challenge people to find what evidence there is to suggest the PS4 copy isn't working? If we're going to speak in hypotheticals about why it's best not to mix platforms why don't we shelf the ifs and maybes and look at the facts of how it's working out on a console that IS mixing platforms?įF14 is another title with PC and console servers being mixed, issues? Not when I played it.įF14 is hardly something competitive, last I saw it's battle system wasn't real time either, unless that changed when they totally redid the game from the original mess it was. While there may be inherent advantages to one control scheme over another it doesn't mean people can't adapt and learn to overcome shortcomings.

war thunder crossplay

IIRC War Thunder supports KB/M on the PS4, and in the PC realm sometimes people prefer gamepads instead anyway. It's up to the dev to decide that though, not a system wide restriction IMO. I don't quite get why it matters really specially if your game sells well on the Xbox and or the PS4 why do you need cross-play with the PC exactly? Who knows what the future will bring, maybe they'll change it, maybe not. There's no backend technical limitations here, they just, as they put it, want to give the same experience to everyone. If it's a shooter the mouse+kb is better, if it's a racer or flight sim then if the PC guys have race wheels and flight sticks those give an advantage. It's more about the difference in level of control, depending on the game, MS tried this in the past once and it didn't work out well, the PC players had the clear advantage. War Thunder is currently available on PS4 in Europe, but not other territories, and will support cross-play with PC sometime in April. At the end of the day it?s only about the quality of the game and the gameplay experience.? I have nothing against the platform itself especially because I?m not one of those guys who worries about which is better.

war thunder crossplay

The key is that they understand the necessity of change, so they will,? he said. He said Microsoft?s approval of games comes down to the whims of just one account manager, and that the platform won?t take risks on unknown quantities, banking on ready-made successes like Minecraft instead.Īll that said,Yudintsev says things are getting better in Redmond. The executive also had harsh words for Microsoft, noting that Sony is ?much more open? to both indie developers and free-to-play games.

war thunder crossplay

Microsoft has dropped hints that PC and Xbox One cross-play may be on the cards in the future, but has not committed.

war thunder crossplay


Yudintsev said Microsoft refuses to allow cross-play so that it can certify game servers to ensure a ?good experience? for all players, but that cross-play is essential for games like War Thunder because the install base of PS4 and Xbox One alone can?t supply enough players. ?Microsoft is not allowing cross-play completely which means cannot be on Xbox One,? Gaijin CEO Anton Yudintsev told Gamespot. Microsoft won?t allow cross-play with PC on Xbox One, which is why War Thunder won?t be making its way to the console, developer Gaijin Entertainment has said. Thursday, 27th March 2014 23:56 GMT By Brenna Hillier Xbox One cross-play with PC not allowed, says War Thunder dev

War thunder crossplay